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Serene, Singapore


In a consumer society like Singapore, people often spent their weekends in the

city and malls. To escape from the reality and chaos of urban life I will spend my

time venturing to the other side.


Slowing down time and taking appreciation of what nature has to offer, both

spiritually and physically. While at the same time exploring the relationship

between humans and nature how humans adapt and change the surrounding to

our needs.


During my discovery, I found tables, rubbish and make-shift shelters and others

human elements inside the forest. These shelters and belongings do not belong

to the homeless, they were made and bring by individuals who wanted to spent

their time quietly away from the urban area for their weekend before going back

to their busy work.


Over the years this land may be used for urbanization and commercialization

and places like this are hardly found in Singapore.

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